World-Class Trainers

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How to claim PDUs on our CSM/CSPO classes

You have to apply for your own credits through the PMI CCRS (Continuous Certification Requirement System). Knowledge21 is not a PMI Registered Education Provider (REP). After you log into your PMI.org website in the Report PDUs subsection, choose “Course or Training” as your PDU Category.

In the form you need to indicate a split for the PDUs between categories according to the training followed:

For CSM (Certified ScrumMaster):

– 10 PDUs in Technical Project Management

– 4 PDUs in Leadership

For CSPO (Certified Scrum Product Owner):

– 8 PDUs in Technical Project Management

– 2 PDUs in Strategic and Business Management – 4 PDUs in Leadership

How to claim PDUs on our Kanban classes

How to claim PDUs on our Kanban classes

Go to https://ccrs.pmi.org/ and log in.
Follow the links to claim PDUs.

Section 1: Enter your contact information.
Section 2: Select Category B, Continuing Education
Section 3: For Provider Name enter Lean Kanban University.

Section 4: Activity Title/Description: Lean Kanban University Certified Kanban Training [plus specific course title] [dates class started and class ended]. Record the hours spent attending the course. 1 PDU is earned per hour in session, with a minimum of .25 earned.

Activity Contact Information:
Lean Kanban University c/o Lean Kanban, Inc.
200 First Avenue West Ste. 404 Seattle, Washington 98119
URL: http://edu.leankanban.com
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1-415-378-3842

Section 5: Check the relevant Process Groups, Knowledge Areas, and Industries covered in the course you attended. Record the total hours completed. Per the PMI CCR program requirements update (effective December 1, 2015), LKU certified Kanban training courses could meet the Technical Project Management and/or the Strategic and Business Management categories.

Documentation Requirements: You will receive an email after you complete the class providing you with a link to your digital LKU Certificate of Completion. Bookmark the online location of your certificate or print the certificate PDF and keep this for your records. You will not need to submit documentation with your claim but will require it if audited.

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