Conflict situations are an important aspect of the workplace and of life in general. When conflict situations are poorly handled, they lead to lower productivity, unhappiness, and other conflicts may arise.
Learn from a trainer with global experience how to manage conflicts in a dynamic and engaging class
Conflicts will always exist. But with the proper tools provided by Conflict Management, you will resolve them effectively, transforming the conflicted environment into a collaborative one.
Through this class, you will understand what is conflict and how to handle different conflict situations as a mediator, using a number of given tools.
Knowledge21 is a global organization, present in the United States, Europe, and Latin America, focused on Digital Transformation of companies willing to embrace True Agile practices.
Our growing team of Agile Coaches and Certified Trainers have an extensive worldwide experience with the adoption of an Agile mindset by Teams, middle management and C-level. We trained 17.000 professionals in 21 countries, delivering 20.000 hours of coaching only in 2018.